Akaldhara Marga, Pokhara-05, Kaski District, Gandaki Province, Nepal.
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Youth Camp- Selfcare and collective care workshop

Youth CampsSelf-care and collective care 

BIKALPA- Nepal organized a Self care and collective care workshops for the youth who leave from child care homes (called care leavers) 12th August (27th Shrawan 2080) where 18 youth were attended. This workshop is the first workshop to facilitate their life skills on self care and collective care. This includes many things but this time we focused on self-awareness, interpersonal relationship skills, coping with emotions and  stress management. The approach aims to empower and guide care leavers to be competent and confident. Care leavers like the workshop very much which became a plate form for share the situations facing by everyday life. They want to continue this workshops time to time! The workshop was facilitated by advisor/ process facilitator of BN Ram Chandra Paudel and Sharada Sharma.

Youth Camp- Selfcare and collective care workshop